Monday, November 15, 2010

getting in the guts of the place

So the main structure of the house is complete. We have walls, the walls are covered in mud, the roof is on, and the floor has been there for awhile now. The insides are getting formed now. Nate has framed in little Eedee's room, the utility room, and the bathroom...really the only rooms in the house that are going to have walls. Nate also dug the well this past week. After pounding in a pipe with a 80 lb pole pounder for an hour and a half, he informed me he would never volunteer for that job... and I can barely lift the pounder, so hopefully we never have to get a new well.
I finished putting up rock in our wood stove room, and I think I am done working with lime for the year. Pretty sure I am pumped about this. My hands and lips are thanking me for not drying them out every other day. I will hopefully finish with that room tonight when I wash it down with acid- don't worry Eedee will be at Grandma's for that project. Nate and I figured we will already mess with her head enough, we probably don't need to add any chemicals to it.
But the project is moving forward, and getting closer to being done every day. Painting the floor, putting up the ceiling, and doing the electrical are the three big things standing in our way. But hey, those seem minor after how much work has gone into it thus far.

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