Monday, June 7, 2010

The first BIG weekend.

So we have long awaited the day when we can break ground and start the first steps. As any logical couple would do, we made sure to plant trees and turn up a garden plot first. Our property is now the lovely owner of 2 plum trees, 2 apple trees, and 2 pear trees, along with a bunch of lilacs and a couple maple. Nate also, very graciously, turned up a 20 by 30 plot of land for my garden this year. The best part about this garden is that our first house will be built in about those same dimensions. I am not sure if that means I have an excessive garden or a puny house.
Finally on June 5th Nate did the official land breaking for our house. He got to play around on a bobcat and rip up the ground for a full day. Though it was a lot of work, the boy loves his man toys. So after a grueling 9 hours of labor, only breaking for some hummus sandwiches, Nate left us with a nice flattened out space to start our house on.
While he was doing this, I was playing in our garden, planting my excessive collection of starters. I think I planted around 36 tomato plants, and if you ask me you can never have to many tomato plants. But I only have that many plants because I have little faith they will actually produce, but who knows, perhaps the Gods of Clearwater County will surprise me with a beautiful bounty of taste fruits.
But now we await our next step. For me that is putting in stakes for the approach and getting better tick protection for the dog, and for Nate that is putting together the tools to dig our post holes and planning our next house step.